Film and Video alumnus finds job after internship

Amanda Morton, a Film and Video Production alumnus, has recently accepted a position as Penny Marshall’s executive assistant. Marshall has an extensive resume, including Laverne on Laverne & Shirley and various roles on Saturday Night Live.

Before landing this job, Morton had worked on six film sets including 30 Minutes or Less and Genesis Code, and was also an intern for Wood TV. She has interned in film development at Universal Studios, as well.

“My internship at one of the major studios allowed me the qualifications to be an executive assistant,” she said.

After her internship, she spent the next several months job searching. “It was a difficult time, but occasionally I took short-term jobs to help relieve my savings account,” said Morton. “I was hired as Penny’s executive assistant approximately a week after my interview and shortly after that I was contacted by Disney as a finalist for their development associate program. I guess it is true, good things come in pairs. I withdrew from consideration with Disney, but I am honored that I got that opportunity.”

As an executive assistant, Morton manages Marshall’s e-mails, phone sheets, calendar, and a lot of script coverage.

Penny has done some amazing things for women in film,” she said. “It’s an honor to be able to work for someone as intelligent as her.

Her responsibilities in her new job are very similar to her internship at Universal Studios. “There’s one big exception,” she said. “If anything goes wrong, it’s my responsibility.”

She plans to work for Marshall for the next 8 to 12 months, and will then seek out a position as an associate producer or an assistant for a producer with a film in production.